Do Shame and Self-Disappointment Make You Feel Bad?

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Are You Focused on Your Past? Do You Believe Something is Wrong with You?

If you think you’re flawed…
If you feel emotionally exposed and raw…
If you consider yourself unworthy of love and belonging…
If you feel dark emotions of shame…
If you’re practicing a guarded heart life…
If you push away the things you’re most desperate for…
If you feel inadequate, dishonor, regret, or disconnected…

Then “Breaking the Grip of Shame” is for you.

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Do You Fear You’re Not Good Enough or Feel Dejected?

Shame is nothing new because it has plagued most people since the beginning of time. 

Do any of these shame-evoking situations sound familiar?

  • Loving someone deeply only to realize your love isn’t reciprocated.

  • A spouse getting caught red-handed having an affair.

  • Wondering whether or not you: belong, are liked or loved, or if you’re successful.

  • Being called out in public for a mistake you made. 

  • How you feel when you think someone knows something bad about you.

Shame will sneak in to change our behavior when we least expect it. The list of reasons are endless. We understand because we’ve battled shame, too.

The good news is you can overcome the grip of shame and change your life starting now.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful to break shame’s power over your life?

For only $5, “Breaking the Grip of Shame” will teach you:

  • What happens when you’re stuck or alone

  • Changes that occur inside your body during shame

  • How shame affects your relationships

  • What shame causes you to feel and leads to

  • New ways to heal from shame

  • Steps for breaking the power of shame

  • Ways to open the door to real connections


What Others Say

“My eyes were opened to understand my issues and how to deal with them.”

- Jayne

“The process might take some effort, but the results are much greater.”

- Anna

“Too many of us try to battle this alone. The Family Collective helped me deal with this.”

- Sam

Your Questions Answered.

+ Who should enroll in this online “Breaking the Grip of Shame” course?

Anyone who is struggling with not being good enough, impostor syndrome, self-perceived flaws, or scars from past experiences will benefit from this online course. If you’re hiding behind something, then this course will help you break free.

+ How does an online coaching class work?

You can access the session and exercises anytime. The video does require Internet and WiFi access. Simply carve out time to listen, take notes, and practice the steps Diane teaches in the video.

+ Why is the course only $5?

We created this and other courses as part of ministry to shine God’s light in today’s dark world. Our goal is to help you overcome the hold shame has on you.